
Welcome to the blog section of Durlon Sealing Solutions, your ultimate destination for all things gasket-related. As a leading provider of high-quality sealing solutions, we understand the importance of staying informed and up-to-date in the industry. Our blog serves as a comprehensive resource, offering valuable insights, industry trends, and expert advice to help you make informed decisions about gasket selection, installation, maintenance, and more. Whether you’re an engineer, a maintenance professional, or someone seeking knowledge about gaskets and their applications, our blogs cover a wide range of topics, from material properties and performance standards to sealing techniques and troubleshooting tips. With a passion for excellence and a commitment to delivering reliable information, our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and expertise you need to achieve optimal sealing performance and enhance the reliability of your operations. Join us as we explore the world of gaskets and discover the solutions that ensure leak-free success for your applications.

Blog Topics

July 2, 2024
What are Gaskets?

June 18, 2024
Reducing Fugitive Emissions: A Critical Step Towards Environmental Preservation

June 3, 2024
The Ultimate Guide to PTFE Gasket Sheet Material

May 8, 2024
Why Use High-Performance Graphite Gaskets?

Apr 29, 2024
A Guide to Metallic and Semi-Metallic Gaskets: Types, Selection, Benefits and More

Feb 26, 2024
Excelling in Manufacturing: The Significance and Benefits of Being on an Approved Manufacturers List

Sept 7, 2023
Safety Data Sheets: What Are They, and Why Are They Important?

Jul 12, 2023
When Seconds Count: The Importance of Fire-Safe Gaskets in Emergency Situations

Mar 22, 2023
Pros & Cons of ePTFE Gasket Material

Oct 26, 2022
Reduced Contact Area (RCA) Gaskets

Mar 29, 2022
Mill Test Reports in the Gasket World

Mar 28, 2022
Impact of Flange Finish on Gasket Performance

Dec 6, 2021
The Dangers of Hot Bolting

June 18, 2021
How to Trouble-shoot Gasket Leaks

Feb 10, 2021
Gasket Thickness

Aug 28, 2020
Choosing the Right Gaskets for FDA Applications

May 13, 2020
Considerations When Upgrading or Changing Pre-Specified Gaskets

April 14, 2020
Gasket Shelf Life

March 26, 2020
What is Ideal Gasket Stress?

February 28, 2020
Packaging and Handling SWGs

December 3, 2019
What is m and y gasket design constants, and how are they used?

October 7, 2019
How to Avoid Corrosion on Flanges

August 21, 2019
Benefits of Flexible Graphite

July 31, 2019
How to Manage and Understand Flange Face Damage

June 24, 2019
Gasket Joint Safety

June 6, 2019
Low Temperature Gaskets

April 11, 2019
8 Steps to Properly Installing a Gasket

May 14, 2019
Understanding Gasket Temperature and Pressure Limits

March 13, 2018
8 Gasket Myths – Debunked

February 23, 2018
How Gaskets are Measured

January 25, 2018
Common Gasket Cutting Processes – 3 Technologies To Consider

May 4, 2017
6 Common Tools Used in Gasket Installation